The BEST time to buy Auto Insurance


In today’s times keeping car insurance costs low is a high priority for many people.  A question commonly asked is if the time of year affects the cost of an insurance policy.  The theory behind this says if you begin to compare car insurance quotes during a specific time of year, a driver will be able to find the lowest priced insurance policy possible.

Car insurance companies are indeed affected by season.  For example winter is the hardest season on auto insurance companies.  Rain, snow, low visibility, and other factors make driving conditions difficult for any driver.  Inevitably more accidents happen this time of the year for those exact reasons.   Cars also more commonly break down in bad weather, which will increase the likelihood of a claim to an insurance company.  With bad weather comes more phone calls to the insurance provider, increasing insurance company costs.

In some cases when Insurance companies experience an increased amount of claims they are likely to raise insurance rates. However, it’s important to note that hundreds of factors affect the car insurance industry and some aren’t very predictable. The overall state of the economy can certainly change the average auto insurance quote, as insurance providers might have more or less money to use to offer new auto insurance policies. What’s more, any variation in the cost of auto insurance due to the weather or the season is probably minor, especially when compared to things like a driver’s record and the type of vehicle that he or she drives. Waiting for a certain season to look for car insurance ultimately makes little sense, especially when drivers could be taking much more effective steps to decrease the cost of their auto insurance policies.

If you’re looking for quality auto insurance policies with low rates, your best bet is to manage your risks and look at insurance quotes before you buy a policy, not to wait for a certain time in the year. Make sure that your car is well maintained and in good condition to decrease the risk of an accident. Talk to your insurance agent and ask about any discounts that your provider offers. Look online for auto insurance quotes every few months. This will help you to spot a great low price for your coverage, regardless of the time of year at which it pops up. Insurance comparison websites make it easy to quickly get quotes from five or six insurance providers, and they’re a driver’s best tool in trying to lock down a low insurance rate in any season.

